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Spine Surgery

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The spinal cord is a vital organ of the human body. It is a long band of tissues which connects the lower brain to the back of the body. The spinal Cord is a part of the Central Nervous System. It carries nerve signals from the body parts to the brain and vice-versa. 

Spine Surgery is an umbrella term to refer to the various types of surgeries performed on the spinal cord. These surgeries are done to treat a number of disorders. 

Common Disorders of the Spine That Require

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The spinal cord is a vital organ of the human body. It is a long band of tissues which connects the lower brain to the back of the body. The spinal Cord is a part of the Central Nervous System. It carries nerve signals from the body parts to the brain and vice-versa. 

Spine Surgery is an umbrella term to refer to the various types of surgeries performed on the spinal cord. These surgeries are done to treat a number of disorders. 

Common Disorders of the Spine That Require Surgery:

Injuries: The most common spine surgeries are performed on injuries. This can include surgery for a broken spine, an injured spine and a bent spine. 

Degenerative Disc Disease: As a person gets older, the discs in their spines may tend to degenerate and get weak. To treat this, spine surgery is often carried out. 

Slipped Disc: Discs in the spine can slip from their actual position due to heavy weight-lifting, accidents and prolonged bad posture etc. Generally, Slipped Discs are treated by Physiotherapy, but in severe cases, it might require surgery. 

Spinal Cord Tumour: Tumours in the spinal cord can be a serious life-threatening problem. Surgery is performed to remove these tumours from the spine.

Common Spine Surgeries: 

Spinal Decompression: When spinal stenosis cause narrowing of the spinal canal, it can lead to weakness, pain and numbness in the spine and back. In Spinal Decompression surgery, bony walls and spurs are removed in order to enlarge the spinal column and release pressure on the nerves. 

Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty: In the medical condition of osteoporosis, bones become extremely weak, brittle and fragile. They tend to get fractured by the slightest movements like bending and holding something. To treat this, the surgeries Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty are performed. Both procedures include the injection of glue-like bone cement, which strengthens the bones.

Discectomy: When a disc herniates and presses onto a nerve or the spinal cord, a discectomy is performed. 

Spinal Fusion: The spine can get deformed and cause scoliosis and pain in the back. To treat this, the spinal fusion surgery might be required. In this procedure, two or more vertebrae in the spine are permanently connected. The after-effects can be stiffness and restricted movement, but it provides a long-lasting relief. 

Foraminotomy: This surgery is performed to enlarge the bony holes, where the nerve roots exist. Foraminotomy prevents the bulging of discs caused due to prolonged pressure on the nerves.

How to prepare?

Prior to surgery, eat a balanced diet to hasten your recovery. Get lots of exercise to get in shape for surgery. The recuperation process will go more smoothly the more physically fit you are before surgery.

What to Expect?

Depending on where the operation was done and how extensive it was, you might experience some pain and discomfort afterward. However, pain medications can typically keep it under control. If you experience redness, tenderness, or swelling after you return home and suspect an infection, call your doctor right once. drainage from a wound.


Minimally invasive spine (MIS) surgery typically aims to stabilize the vertebral bones and spinal joints and/or relieve pressure on the spinal nerves, which is frequently brought on by disorders such spinal instability, bone spurs, ruptured discs, scoliosis, or spinal malignancies.

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